Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

Benefit dari Hibiscus tea/ rosella diharian "The Jakarta Post"

Red, hot & cool
Dian Kuswandini, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Wed, 08/05/2009 9:11 AM | Life
Healing power: Many parts of the roselle plant, from its calyces, seeds to its leaves, can be used for a range of purposes. JP/Dian Kuswandini
It creates one of the most beautiful and delicious floral infusions you can imagine. And, even better, roselle is full of healing properties and has been served as natural health tonic for centuries.

The deep red roselle, with its slightly tangy flavor, is known by different names across the world; some call it rosella, while others know it as karkadé, oseille rouge, asam susur or Florida cranberry. In some countries, its infusion is simply known as hibiscus tea, which follows from its binomial name, Hibiscus sabdariffa.
But whatever they call it, many cultures agree that a roselle infusion can do more than just raise your mood with the first sniff – it can also help treat ailments ranging from cough and overweight to gout and high blood pressure.
Found in many countries, including Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, China, Mexico, Jamaica, Brazil and the United States, roselle is believed to have originated in Africa. Ancient Egyptian legend has it that roselle tea was the favorite beverage of the Pharaohs of the Nile Valley. Because of its natural cooling properties, the Pharaohs would enjoy sipping the roselle drink to refresh themselves in the desert heat. Today, however, the roselle drink isn’t only for the Pharaohs anymore: Any of us can enjoy it, hot or cold.
According to herbalist Dewani from Planta Medika Loka, many parts of the roselle plant, including its calyces, seeds and leaves, can be used for a range of purposes. Of these parts, however, it’s the fleshy red calyx that’s the most popular.
“People often mistake this red calyx for the roselle flower, but that’s wrong,” Dewani reveals. “Roselle has flowers, but it’s not the flowers that are used [for making drinks and food].”
Rather, she goes on, it’s the roselle calyces that are used fresh for making wine, juice, jam, syrup, pudding, popsicle sticks and food flavoring. And when used dried, they’re brewed into hot or cold tea, which makes a natural health tonic.
According to Dewani, roselle became popular as a natural health tonic in Indonesia about four years ago. Driving its popularity, she says, are its pleasant taste and attractive color.
“Many herbals taste really bad – most are bitter,” Dewani says. “But roselle, it’s different. Add to its infusion some sugar or honey, and it makes a delicious beverage. And even without any sweetener, it still tastes good.”
Roselle also has a very attractive color like syrup, she adds. And because the plant itself is beautiful also, “putting one in your home can make a decorative plant.”
But the pretty look and refreshing taste are just a bonus; as Dewani points out, “roselle contains many healing properties that can be used to treat many health problems”.
According to Dewani, among the ailments that can benefit from roselle tea are hypertension, gout, high cholesterol and overweight. In addition, many people drink roselle tea to relieve cough, oral ulcers and headache, as well as use it to prevent constipation, because it acts as natural mild laxative.
Behind the healing wonders of roselle tea, Dewani reveals, are the rich antioxidants –flavonoids, gossypetin, hibiscetine and anthocyanin – contained in the roselle calycles.
“Antioxidants help our bodies fight the harmful molecules known as free radicals, which can cause cell damage, leaving the body in a diseased state,” Dewani explains. “By taming free radicals, antioxidants help maintain the body’s good health,” she adds.
Another antioxidant in roselle calyces is vitamin C, which works to fight off infections by strengthening the immune system. In every 100 grams of roselle calyces, there’s approximately 260 to 280 milligrams of vitamin C, which means the plant has a vitamin C content three times higher than blackcurrants and nine times higher than citrus.
“That’s why roselle tea is good for those who work until night or get tired easily, as it can help maintain stamina,” Dewani reveals.

Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Hibiscus tea "Derosellas"

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Medicinal Uses of Hibiscus ..........
Hibiscus is an aromatic, astringet, cooling herb that is much used in the tropics. it is said to have diuretic effects, to help lower fevers and is antiscorbutic. The flowers contain gossypetin, anthocyanin, and the glycoside hibiscin. These may have diuretic and choleretic effects, decresasing the viscosity of the blood, reducing blood pressure and stimulating intestinal peristaltis. The flowers are used internally as a tonic tea for digestive and kidney functions.
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